Jack Brett - Research Engineer

The Crypt of Notation

An RPG-style game which focuses on the main character, Maalik, who is trying to dispel the evil found in a fictional graveyard by ‘playing funky beats’


Play in musical scales and record simple loops.

Staff Arcade

A collection of mini games based on the musical staff


Collaboration with VitaeVR, a subsidiary company of Outpost VFX, Sony, Epic Games and the KCL psychology department.

Bridge Wavers

A game which was inspired by many local walks during the lockdown period.

Icon Experience

A game developed in collaboration with a Psychology research group based at BU

Engineering Doctorate

Engineering Doctorate conducted at BU and Luminary

Sight-Reading Test

A skill test that was used during the EngD which helped determine the ability to read a piece of music to a set tempo.

Note Flash

Note Flash is a game in which a visual cue flashes on the screen and players must play the corresponding key.

Tappy Notes

A colourful rhythm game that derived from my struggle to play with two hands at the keyboard

Night At The Museum Level

A level designed in Unreal Engine 4.